What I've Been Up To
Good question
Is there a good answer?
Well, let’s see….
today I woke up late
I'm still not totally awake....
but I’m taking it in stride,
the day going by
when I woke up
it was not so late,
not really
I woke up
under warm covers,
still tired and groggy
feeling rather lazy
Did I have to get up?
I’d nowhere
in particular to go,
so the answer was no
So, problem solved,
the scene dissolved
into more sleep,
leaving me scattered
as well as rested
when I next awoke
Oh well
I’ll just take it in stride,
the day flowing by....
Time is just flowing
No need to row
against the current
What have I been doing?
That’s a good question
Do I have a good answer?
I’ve been moving slowly,
moving through the flow
of hurried, worried people
I’ve been among them,
and I know
that I will be again
What have I been doing?
Well, I love to meander,
just wandering aimlessly
along avenues,
down side streets,
down alleyways,
through parks
I love to stop
to write
odds and ends
that could lead
to beginnings,
or to pursue
an elusive idea,
or to picture
a fleeting feeling,
and this can even break
the haze of laziness
where I’ve been content to dwell
if only for a time
What have I been doing?
Not much of anything in particular
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