Weaving a Web of Poems

All these poems are written by me, a montreal paul. Poems posted here are indexed at http://alouan-maloua.blogspot.com/2006/08/index.html. You may copy any of these poems, in part or in full, provided that 1) You don't change the poem; 2) You credit your source (eg. "by a montreal paul, Weaving a Web of Poems (http://alouan-maloua.blogspot.com/)"); 3) You don't use it to make money for yourself or for any commercial purpose.

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Location: Montréal, Québec, Canada

I am the keeper of the woven words and paper words at a non-profit organisation here in Montreal- I also weave words in paper worlds and bring imagined worlds to life through theatre in my spare time. I also scratch around on a guitar, writing songs and then trying to learn them. I am discovering that I can do many more things than I once thought possible.

Monday, September 04, 2006


There is a time for brokenness. A time when a mind that can't be bent is broken. A time when a person goes to pieces, swept up in a drama beyond comprension. A time when tension explodes within, but is followed by an implosion. A time of division when the appearance of unity dissolves. A time for radicalism- elements within rise up in a sudden violent fury, defying stricture, toppling structure- a destruction to be followed by a time for rebuilding- recreating what was, but differantly.

My fists clench. A willfullness within me clings obstinately to its desires, cursing the rest of me for weakness. Weakness of will? "It's not me that's weak", it retorts, "it's you- you won't follow through, you let me down." Stung by the allegation, I charge forth bravely but briefly into the pandemonium of the raging battle. Then the certainty of the nobility of my cause falls away, and then comes the time- the time when I must be shattered almost completely- almost but not quite- a replay of history enacted on a small scale, the scale of one man, a man defeated by his own actions.


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